Control of the Spread of Resistance
The 60-year period during which antibiotics have been
available has seen dramatic changes in the disease burden caused by
infections. Outcomes from infections such as pneumococcal pneumonia,
tuberculosis, and streptococcal puerperal sepsis, that used to cause
considerable morbidity and mortality, are now frequently benign, at
least in developed countries. We can also prevent much infection by
using antibiotics during high-risk procedures, notably in the
peri-operative period. The immense social, economic, and health
benefits that are due to antibiotic use are, however, increasingly
overshadowed by the issue of resistance. Indeed, the emergence and
spread of multiresistant strains (sometimes referred to emotively as
‘superbugs’) have raised the spectrum of untreatable infection. The
reality is that such instances remain extremely rare. However,
resistance does limit antibiotic choice available to prescribers,
sometimes meaning that less effective, more toxic or more expensive
drugs have to be used. For example, the antibiotics needed to treat
multiresistant forms of tuberculosis are over 100 times more expensive
than the first-line drugs used to treat disease caused by fully
susceptible strains. Such excess costs mean that some infections can no
longer be treated in poor communities where resistance to first-line
drugs is widespread. Furthermore, significant slowing in the
development of genuinely new antibiotics (i.e. those with novel modes
of action to which cross-resistance to older agents does not occur) has
increased the potential for this threat to become a reality that once
again compromises patient outcome.
In 1945 during his Nobel Prize acceptance speech Sir
Alexander Fleming said ‘It is not difficult to make microbes resistant
to penicillin in the laboratory by exposing them to concentrations not
sufficient to kill them, and the same thing has occasionally happened
in the body.’ This warning was evident less than a decade after the
introduction of penicillin, when a particular penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
strain started to cause outbreaks of postoperative and perinatal
infection in hospitals across the world. Poor hospital cleaning,
increasing dependence on antibiotics and changing healthcare practices
were blamed. Unfortunately, these issues are again topical, with
frequent media headlines about ‘superbugs’ and their spread.
Compared with most other drugs of similar potency, antibiotics are remarkably safe, and they are also remarkably effective. This has inevitably led to liberal, even lavish use, and concern has frequently been expressed that excessive and inappropriate use of these agents is the chief cause of the widespread emergence of resistant organisms. Misuse of most drugs tends to have consequences only for the individual patient. Unfortunately, inappropriate antibiotic use can have adverse consequences for both the individual and for wider populations. Below Figure shows the disturbing relationship between the prescribing of penicillin-like antibiotics in multiple populations and the respective prevalence of pneumococcal strains with reduced susceptibility (or frank resistance) to penicillin. Of course, many of the antibiotics prescribed would not have been specifically for pneumococcal infection. This is, therefore, evidence of the selective pressure for resistance emergence in (respiratory tract) flora and subsequent spread of bacteria within populations. Such effects have been referred to as the collateral damage associated with antibiotic therapy.
Compared with most other drugs of similar potency, antibiotics are remarkably safe, and they are also remarkably effective. This has inevitably led to liberal, even lavish use, and concern has frequently been expressed that excessive and inappropriate use of these agents is the chief cause of the widespread emergence of resistant organisms. Misuse of most drugs tends to have consequences only for the individual patient. Unfortunately, inappropriate antibiotic use can have adverse consequences for both the individual and for wider populations. Below Figure shows the disturbing relationship between the prescribing of penicillin-like antibiotics in multiple populations and the respective prevalence of pneumococcal strains with reduced susceptibility (or frank resistance) to penicillin. Of course, many of the antibiotics prescribed would not have been specifically for pneumococcal infection. This is, therefore, evidence of the selective pressure for resistance emergence in (respiratory tract) flora and subsequent spread of bacteria within populations. Such effects have been referred to as the collateral damage associated with antibiotic therapy.
Availability of antibiotics
Most developed countries have tightly regulated systems
for the control of the manufacture, importation, distribution, sale,
supply and description of medicinal products, including antibiotics,
for human and veterinary use.
In the global market for medicines, licensing authorities will
increasingly be required to ensure that there is a consistency of
approach to medicines availability. Currently there are many examples
of inconsistencies in the availability and recommendations for use of
antibiotics throughout both the developed and developing world. The
availability of antibiotics, notably newer more expensive agents is an
issue in poorer countries. Pharmaceutical companies have a part to play
in helping to ensure that antimicrobial agents, including critical
antimalarial, antituberculosis, and antiretroviral drugs are priced and
advertised appropriately in these markets.
While the sale and distribution of antibiotics are
fairly tightly controlled in rich, developed countries, the marketing
of these agents is much less restricted in the poorer, and numerically
much larger, developing world. Paradoxically, the use of antibiotics in
the developing countries needs to be extended, not restricted, if
standards of health are to be brought up to those of the developed
world. A key issue here is unregulated ‘over the counter’ availability
of antibiotics. Controversy persists about striking a balance between
making effective medicines available in a timely fashion to those who
need them, against the potential detrimental effects of uncontrolled or
indiscriminate use. This argument is most pertinent in the case of
antimicrobial drugs, as there is no other example in therapeutics in
which local misuse of an efficacious agent can lead to a general
diminution in its effectiveness. It was no great surprise that
chloramphenicol-resistant typhoid bacilli
first emerged in South America and penicillin-resistant gonococci in
south-east Asia, where unrestricted availability of antibiotics is
commonplace. In some countries antibiotics can still be purchased
easily as single tablets resulting in inappropriate use, suboptimal
dosing and the consequent encouragement of resistance.
In the UK fluconazole and aciclovir have been available for over-the-counter purchase without the need for a prescription for more than a decade. There is no convincing evidence that this availability additional to prescribed courses has increased the emergence of resistance to these agents in the target pathogens—Candida albicans and herpes simplex virus—for which they are commonly used. This may, however, reflect inherent properties of these drugs uncommonly to select for resistant variants. There is pressure to extend the availability of over-the-counter antibiotics to include drugs such as trimethoprim for use in urinary tract infections. It will be important to monitor any such changes closely to determine the benefits and drawbacks of any such deregulation of antibiotics. A related issue is the extension of capacity to prescribe antibiotics (and other drugs) to other healthcare professionals, including pharmacists and nurses. Such extended roles clearly need to be underpinned by appropriate training and education, and the availability of carefully constructed guidelines (see below).
In the UK fluconazole and aciclovir have been available for over-the-counter purchase without the need for a prescription for more than a decade. There is no convincing evidence that this availability additional to prescribed courses has increased the emergence of resistance to these agents in the target pathogens—Candida albicans and herpes simplex virus—for which they are commonly used. This may, however, reflect inherent properties of these drugs uncommonly to select for resistant variants. There is pressure to extend the availability of over-the-counter antibiotics to include drugs such as trimethoprim for use in urinary tract infections. It will be important to monitor any such changes closely to determine the benefits and drawbacks of any such deregulation of antibiotics. A related issue is the extension of capacity to prescribe antibiotics (and other drugs) to other healthcare professionals, including pharmacists and nurses. Such extended roles clearly need to be underpinned by appropriate training and education, and the availability of carefully constructed guidelines (see below).
Inappropriate antibiotic use
Attention has repeatedly been drawn to the worldwide
public health problem of the spread and persistence of drug-resistant
organisms, and there have been frequent calls for regulation to curb
the unnecessary use and misuse of antimicrobial drugs in some
countries. The following practices have been clearly identified as
contributing to the present situation:
- Inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics; e.g. for ailments for which they are ineffective, such as for sore throats where 80% of infective cases are caused by viruses.
- Incorrect dose or duration of use; e.g. in uncomplicated urinary tract infection more than 3 days of antibiotic treatment does not increase the chance of success, but does increase the risk of selection of resistance bacteria in the gut flora and adverse drug effects.
- Excessive use of antibiotic prophylaxis; e.g. for most types of surgery there is no value in giving more than one dose of antibiotic(s). Excess antibiotic doses may encourage resistance emergence or side effects including antibiotic-associated diarrhoea.
- Antibiotic use without prescription; e.g. the uncontrolled availability of antibiotics ‘over the counter’, which can result in unnecessary use or intermittent, suboptimal dosing. The increasing availability of antibiotics through the internet may exacerbate this risk. In some countries, poorly formulated or manufactured, counterfeited or expired antibiotics are sold and used for self-medication or prophylaxis.
- Animal/agricultural use of antibiotics; e.g. using clinically useful antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feeds and on agricultural crops (see below).
Antibiotics use in animals
More than half of all antibiotics produced worldwide are
used in animals, primarily as part of the food production chain. Two
aspects of this use are particularly concerning. First, there is a
large overlap between the types of antibiotics given to animals and
those used to treat infection in man. Secondly, large quantities of
antibiotics are used not to treat overt infection but instead as animal
growth promoters to increase weight gain and therefore market value of
animals. Combining these two issues, it is not surprising therefore
that there is mounting evidence of resistant bacteria developing in
animals and either infecting human beings or acting as a source of
resistance genes for human pathogens. For example, avoparcin use in
animals is linked to the development of resistance to glycopeptides in
animal strains of enterococci and possibly also in human strains.
Avoparcin was banned as a growth promoter in Denmark in 1995, at which
point about 80% of Danish broiler chickens were colonized with
vancomycin-resistant enterococci; the current prevalence is less than
5%. Similarly, fluoroquinolone use in animals has been clearly
associated with the increase in prevalence of fluoroquinolone
resistance in salmonella and campylobacter strains that infect man.
Notably, a multiresistant Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium strain (DT104) has spread in animals, foods and, subsequently, in human beings.
All use of antimicrobial agents for growth promotion is
now banned in the European Union. There is some concern that the
therapeutic use of antibiotics in animals may increase as use of
antibiotic growth promoters is curtailed, but this is unlikely to have
the same negative consequences as seen with unrestricted use of
antibiotics in animals.
Antibiotic prescribing in the community and hospital
The European Union, the US Food and Drug Administration and the World Health Organization
have initiated national and regional campaigns aimed at professionals
and the public to reduce the unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics.
Efforts have been concentrated on prescribing in the community, not
least because this accounts for 80% of all human use of antimicrobial
drugs. Principles such as not prescribing antibiotics for viral sore
throats, or simple coughs and colds, and avoiding the use of new and
more expensive antibiotics (e.g. quinolones and cephalosporins) when
standard and less expensive antibiotics remain effective have been
emphasized. Prescribing of antibiotics started to fall in England in
1995-1996. The decrease subsequently stabilized, with a slight rise in
It is not clear whether this decrease in prescribing has
been driven by reduced incidence of infections (such as respiratory
tract infections), reduced consultation rates, or because general
practitioners are following prescribing guidance for infections more
closely. However, prescribing of paediatric antibiotic preparations
fell by almost 50%—a much greater reduction than that seen for the
whole population. This suggests that public (parental) expectation, and
hence pressure, for the doctor to prescribe an antibiotic following a
consultation may be decreasing.
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Trends in prescribing of antibacterial drugs in general practice in England. Reproduced from: National Health Service Business Services Authority prescription pricing division website. |
It is estimated that up to 50% of antibiotic usage in
hospitals is inappropriate. Interventions to improve antibiotic
prescribing for hospital inpatients can be successful, and importantly
may reduce antimicrobial resistance or hospital-acquired infections,
such as Clostridium difficile infection. A
key issue is choosing the most appropriate control methods for a given
setting and ensuring that they are sustainable. The scope of measures
that can be used to reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescribing is too
large to consider in detail here, but can generally be grouped into
educational or restrictive approaches or a combination of the two.
Appropriate antibiotic use
The World Health Organization
advocates the following 12 key interventions to promote more rational
use of medicines in general; all are applicable to antibiotic use:
- Establishment of a multidisciplinary national body to coordinate policies on medicine use.
- Use of clinical guidelines.
- Development and use of national essential medicines list.
- Establishment of drug and therapeutics committees in districts and hospitals.
- Inclusion of problem-based pharmacotherapy training in undergraduate curricula.
- Continuing in-service medical education as a licensure requirement.
- Supervision, audit, and feedback.
- Use of independent information on medicines.
- Public education about medicines.
- Avoidance of perverse financial incentives.
- Use of appropriate and enforced regulation.
- Sufficient government expenditure to ensure availability of medicines and staff.
In addition to these measures, good antimicrobial
prescribing needs to be informed by timely and accurate information on
the likely infecting pathogens. Delays in diagnosis occur through poor
or non-existing sampling techniques, delay in transport, slow and
laborious laboratory techniques, and unsatisfactory reporting methods. A major problem in dealing
with patients in whom an infection is suspected is distinguishing
between infection and colonization. Patients with an undiagnosed fever
may well
be colonized with potentially pathogenic micro-organisms, but may not
be infected. The distinction is not always obvious, and under these
circumstances it is understandable for a clinician to prescribe
antibiotics. It is not rational, however, to treat patients merely
because they have a raised temperature. Good practice dictates that all
relevant samples for culture should ideally be collected before
treatment, unless this requirement could compromise outcome (for
example, in patients with suspected meningitis where prompt antibiotic
therapy may be life saving). The initial choice of antimicrobial
therapy will depend on the most likely infecting organism, the severity
of the illness, and the type of patient.
If the identity of the organism is known then treatment can be specific
and a single, narrow-spectrum antibiotic used. If the infecting
organism can be targeted then broad-spectrum antibiotics do not need to
be used, thus leaving much of the body's normal flora undisturbed.
Initial (often empirical) antibiotic therapy is based on
good surveillance and prompt guidance informed by accessible policies
(see Chapter 18) or from infection
specialists. Crucially, antibiotic prescriptions should be reviewed
regularly to determine whether the drug or route of administration is
still appropriate. Oral antibiotics tend to be considerably cheaper
than intravenous alternatives and of course do not require an access
device that itself may be a source of infection. For these reasons,
intravenous antibiotics should be reviewed after 48-72 h and switched
to an ‘equivalent’ oral formulation, provided oral absorption is
satisfactory and the oral antibiotic has the requisite pharmacokinetic
characteristics. New microbiological or other information (e.g. fever
defervescence for at least 24 h, marked clinical improvement; low
C-reactive protein) should prompt a review of therapy and consideration
of whether a switch to oral antibiotic(s), a narrow spectrum
intravenous alternative, or cessation of antibiotics (no infection
present) is appropriate. Laboratory reports should contain information
on a restricted number of antibiotic susceptibilities.
Antibiotic policies and resistance surveillance
Even in relatively straightforward clinical situations there
are often several equally effective agents that might be used. Choice
may then be determined by a locally agreed set of guidelines for the
rational use of antibiotics. The antibiotic formulary is a locally
agreed list of available antibiotics, usually including some degree of
restriction on particular agents. Guidance on
the most appropriate use of antibiotics should not be too restrictive,
should reflect local needs, and should be formulated with the agreement
of the local users. Advice should of course facilitate the most
effective treatment for the individual patient, but should take into
account the potential consequences for the wider population.
The best antibiotic policies are grounded in good microbiology laboratory surveillance, which is required to detect important change in bacterial resistance. Clinicians need to be aware of the local and changing patterns of infection and antibiotic resistance in their locality. Information about new agents, together with an assessment of their likely place in therapy, should be available. There are a number of caveats to pathogen and antibiotic surveillance data in general. Bias inherent in the way samples or pathogens are collected is a common problem. For example, uncomplicated urinary tract and respiratory tract infections are usually treated empirically and indeed without samples being submitted. General practitioners tend to reserve the submission of urine or sputum samples for those cases that have complicated courses or where recurrence of symptoms occurs. Thus, antibiotic treatment policies based entirely on the results of such samples and pathogens will tend to be skewed towards more antibiotic-resistant pathogens, and in turn may recommend unnecessarily broad spectrum or newer antibiotics. Such issues can be overcome by using sentinel (sometimes also called spotter) practices that submit samples from patients with ‘normal’ infections, usually for set periods of the year.
The best antibiotic policies are grounded in good microbiology laboratory surveillance, which is required to detect important change in bacterial resistance. Clinicians need to be aware of the local and changing patterns of infection and antibiotic resistance in their locality. Information about new agents, together with an assessment of their likely place in therapy, should be available. There are a number of caveats to pathogen and antibiotic surveillance data in general. Bias inherent in the way samples or pathogens are collected is a common problem. For example, uncomplicated urinary tract and respiratory tract infections are usually treated empirically and indeed without samples being submitted. General practitioners tend to reserve the submission of urine or sputum samples for those cases that have complicated courses or where recurrence of symptoms occurs. Thus, antibiotic treatment policies based entirely on the results of such samples and pathogens will tend to be skewed towards more antibiotic-resistant pathogens, and in turn may recommend unnecessarily broad spectrum or newer antibiotics. Such issues can be overcome by using sentinel (sometimes also called spotter) practices that submit samples from patients with ‘normal’ infections, usually for set periods of the year.
Antibiotic rotation
The selective pressure that results from relying on one
or a few antibiotics has led some to explore whether antibiotic
rotation (also called antibiotic cycling), particularly in the
intensive care unit, can reduce or delay the emergence of resistance.
However, this theory has several important unanswered issues: how often
should antibiotics be rotated? Is the optimum period of usage the same
for all antimicrobial drugs? Which antibiotics and classes should be
rotated and in what order? What are the practicalities of ensuring
compliance with a rotational policy? Current consensus is that routine
antibiotic rotation should not be implemented. Indeed, several studies
have been unable to demonstrate a reduction in the prevalence of
resistance while antibiotic rotation was being used, and some have
found that resistance actually increased during some parts of the
cycle. Ironically, diverse antimicrobial prescribing may be associated
with reduced emergence of resistance. This should not be interpreted as
an argument for entirely unrestricted prescribing, as this is likely to be associated with suboptimal therapy for some patients.
Monitoring antibiotic policies
Blind faith in a restrictive antibiotic policy is not
the answer to control of antibiotic usage since bacterial resistance
patterns change over time owing to selective pressure. Periodic
antibiotic audit should be mandatory in all areas where prescribing
occurs. This should not be viewed as a policing exercise, so implying a
threat to the clinician's freedom to prescribe, but instead should
serve as a need to justify selection of antimicrobial agents in the
light of critical analysis. Monitoring antibiotic usage should provide
ward, unit, and hospital-wide information on prescribing patterns. This
should prove useful for trend analysis and allow discrepancies to be
identified. Such information lends itself to detailed scrutiny to
differentiate between rational, questionable, and irrational antibiotic
usage. Clinical efficacy and adverse events can be evaluated.
Correlations between antibiotic usage and antimicrobial resistance
should be sought, and changes can be made. A ‘defined daily dose’ for
each antibiotic can be used as a standard unit of measurement, and can
be useful to identify qualitative as well as quantitative variability
in prescribing.
The next stage on from monitoring antibiotic usage is antibiotic audit, thereby closing the audit loop (See The Table Below).
Control of the transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
It is essential that an active infection control
programme is also in place, so that patients harbouring multiresistant
bacteria are appropriately nursed, managed, and treated. While a full
account of the optimal infection control procedure to minimize the risk
of pathogen transmission is not appropriate here, some important
principles are worth emphasizing. Isolation of patients and ensuring
scrupulous hand hygiene, such as with alcohol-based hand rubs, can
reduce the risk of transmission and the spread of pathogens. Much has
been written about hospital cleanliness and the risk of hospital
infection, notably the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as
methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus
(MRSA), but the lack of data to substantiate a link between these is
stark. The great majority of infections acquired during healthcare
arise because of poor hand hygiene. Compliance with hand hygiene
policies should therefore be monitored. Although the need to isolate a
patient may conflict with other pressures on healthcare delivery, this
should not prevent infection
control teams implementing this fundamental way of minimizing pathogen
dissemination risk where appropriate. Patients may be isolated in
single rooms or cohort-isolated in groups of beds or on dedicated units.
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Audit of antibiotic prescribing |
Much infection control practice is based on empiricism,
and policies are frequently based on experience rather than controlled
trial data. This does not mean that such policies are optional! There
is ample evidence that when infection control measures are strictly
enforced, the incidence of infection with resistant organisms can be
reduced. Effective ways of preventing cross-infection with and spread
of antibiotic-resistant pathogens still need to be defined and refined.
Crucially, these approaches may need to differ depending on whether a
particular antibiotic-resistant pathogen has already become established
(endemic) or is rare (sporadic). A good analogy is plugging the holes
in a leaking dyke: eventually more than fingers are needed to sustain
the barrier. Controversy still exists about the true control benefit of
screening for specific potential pathogens such as MRSA. The role and
benefit of new rapid screening methods, usually based on DNA detection,
remain to be determined. Alternative approaches include targeted
prophylaxis against such pathogens in patients undergoing high-risk
procedures such as surgery.
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